Engagement – How everyone can contribute to change the economy, politics, education, and the fossil fuel society towards a just global democratic society

Action and impact towards a prosperous, just, sustainable, global democratic society

Overview: We “reframe” all of the most important initiatives (see below: Doughnut Economics; Fossil Fuel Initiative; Earth4All; Faculty for a Future etc.) to create a just and sustainable democratic global society with our diabolo-approach: asking what it means to create substantial, humane democratic relations of conenctedness while being engaged in the societal transformation

1 Education (university/school): A humane democratic approach

2 Transformation towards a renewable, sustainable, just, democratic global society: how to stop the fossil fuel society?

3 Economy: how to create a “Doughnut”-society?

4 Grassroots movements: how to understand and engage in movements? A humane-democratic approach

Engaging in the 4 different topics (workshop and intro-lectures):

1 Overview lecture

The idea of being humane: towards a  humane society

2 Education, care, public health and sustainability

A Changing the educational sector (see document from Stockholm University and chapter PhD) and the role of pedagogy

B Creating a “prototype”-centre at schools/university, even using the approach by “Faculty for a future” (see PhD, FFF book)

C Transformation of the health sector with connectedness in mind (see KI lecture)

We are working together with: Faculty For a Future

3 Economics and democracy: what do we value?

A The goal (see FFF book chapter on economics): post-growth convivialism

B “Doughnut Economics lab” (DEAL) and the degrowth movement: deepening Doughnut DEAL and Degrowth with the “connectedness” dimension

4 Global justice: changing the fossil world

A Goal: Clear vision including specific politics for a global system change, see FFF book

B Transnational just transformation away from fossil fuels to a just global society: cooperation with the “fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty” (www.fossilfueltreaty.org)

5 Grassroots movements building: what is democratic leadership?

A The goal of establishing a new framework with three pillars and two principles

B Understanding the new climate (youth) movements (see http://www.davidfopp.com)

C Micro-macro democracy leadership: form and content of the movements – lecture on intersectionality (medium-text) and democratic leadership (SU lecture)

D Democratizing politics, public health, education, economics in times of the climate crisis
